Running – Base Training Week 6, Day 3

24 December 2014

Today was cool, but not as cool as yesterday and not nearly as breezy. It was a good day for a run; however, it was my third consecutive day of training. I don’t like training on more than two consecutive days, primarily because it doesn’t allow enough recovery time–especially, for a very senior adult. But, all three runs this week have been easy pace training runs and tomorrow is Christmas Day (no running on Christmas Day–that’s a day to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ).

Endurance Running – Week 6 of 13 Weeks, Day 3 of 4 Days

Running three consecutive training days did produce slower pacing each mile than the same run two days ago. That’s just as I might have predicted.  Now, however, I plan a few consecutive days without training, I should be fully recovered and my muscles should be filled with glycogen; so, after Christmas, my Long Training Run for the week should be a good run.

Merry Christmas! And, Happy running.